Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It is Halloween! This is the home school group.
This is me ,Ryan,Ian and Justin.
I am Harry potter.
I have a wand!
This is me and the kids.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Wind in the Willows

My book response for Wind in the Willows:

What do you think of Toad?
I think Toad is fickle, a trouble maker, mad, crazy and prideful.

Do you like him?
I do like him because he is funny. I don't like him because he is prideful and selfish.

Why do think he has so many adventures?
He has so many adventures because he was determined to drive motor cars and was addicted to motor cars.

What sort of things fascinate him?
Boats, carts, but most of all motor cars fascinate him.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Symphony Trip

This is the Symphony band. This is the hole in the tent that lets air in. This is the conductor he uses a baton. This is a close up picture of the hole.
Me and the kids are listening to the music.
I`m as tall as a bassoon!

I am making a silly face.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stone Fox Book Review

Stone Fox is a good book because Little Willy never gives up. He took care of a farm because his grandfather was sick and he was only ten! Willy needed money to pay taxes, but he didn't have any money. Because Willy never gives up, he entered a race against Stone Fox, a Native American from the Shoshone tribe. Here is the sad part. Willy's dog Searchlight died from running too fast. Searchlight would never give up either. I liked this book it teaches us how to persevere more.