Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Silly Lymrick

There was a pig who ate a fig. 
There was a rumbling in his tummy, 
and it came out his bummy. 
That fig in the pig.


  1. There was a young writer named Will
    Who wrote about pigs and their swill,
    If the topic would alter,
    He would never falter,
    And he ended up making a mill!

    1. I think that is really silly Gma!!

      There was a silly Gma so old
      And she was very bold
      She teased her grandson Will
      Until he had his fill
      And he thought she was worth some gold

    2. I love you so much I could cry
      But that would make red in my eye,
      so I'll smile instead,
      at the words I just read,
      and with that, i will end with goodbye!
